a poem

Speak pale winds of worthless Warren,
Who shapes the heat from sleepless nights.
In lonesome valleys expectations are taurine,
The hills lay bare this wrought less wight.
Sue lurks wicked by his inexperienced side,
Marking down swings bustling with drama.
His senseless plight strips moments of pride,
Taking with it relief from dimmed trauma.
He walks in twilight beneath restless lights,
The smoke in his eyes query his worries.
Hedonism loiters his conscience it highlights,
Wary ambitions that fuel pointless furies.
Torture makes anger a justified claim,
Warren’s livelihood realizes the stakes.
But he who must accept the blame,
Never anticipates the pain to ache.
So he lets his mind wander in blissful joy,
Losing wondrous friendships by the handful.
Making right decisions for a demonstrable ploy,
And rationalizing his lies with a mouthful.